we provide custom labeling services for all types of leather jackets, coats, pants, skirts and leather goods like handbags, travel bags, wallets, clutches, belts and other leather accessories.

Yes, we provide custom labeling services for all types of leather jackets, coats, pants, skirts and leather goods like handbags, travel bags, wallets, clutches, belts and other leather accessories.

Yes, we have our design and pattern departments run by professionals and can produce customers’ designs exactly according to their specifications.

You can place the order with a very simple and quick process. Just send us an email or leave us a message through our contact form and one of our representatives will contact you instantly and proceed further accordingly.

Usually, we are always open to sending samples to our customers so that they can see, touch and assess the material before finalizing the bulk order. We will start production once you are fully satisfied with the quality and specifications of the product and sample.

The cost of the order obviously depends upon the order quantity and also on various other factors, like the quality of the leather, accessories and the design. Get a quote by sending us a query!

If you want to start a new business then this is the right place for you. We always welcome, assist and will guide you thoroughly for the startup of your new business venture. Our professionals will work together with you to achieve your dreams with your own custom label products.

Yes, we are open to all kinds of orders and any type of custom product manufacturing. You can also contact us for your boutiques, clubs, organizations, sports events, teams and all other occasions and events.


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